Form Filling made easy.
Scan, Fill & Automate.

Scan, Fill & Automate.

Let's Get Started
Focus on your comfort

Scan QR Code

Scan a unique QR code to get the facility’s digital form, with all the need to know form fields.

Your info in 1 click

Fill the form

All your profile related info is prefilled, answer the questions of the facility form and send it back to the facility.

Automate for future use

Once you fill any form, all info is saved for future re-use. Use this information for future reference at different facilities. Receive test results from your doctor and any medicine prescribed.


To help users save time by filling out forms faster and automating the information to be shared with need-to-know-businesses in 1-Click. Help reduce redundant tasks.


To be the fastest, easiest and most secured automated way of sending information between users and need-to-know businesses. Have all your info at 1 click.

Let’s work together

Send us a short description and we will be happy to assist you to get SMARTii

    Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.